Dawn O'Neill Aesthetics
Director, Lead Aesthetics Practitioner, Level 7 Aesthetics Practitioner, Level 7 Aesthetics Practitioner Trainer/Assessor/IQA at Camden House Training, Cosmetic/Medical Tattooist, Permanent Makeup/Aesthetics/Beauty Educator
Everyone who books an appointment with Dawn O'Neill,our incredible Director and Lead Aesthetics Practitioner, finds that with great dedication to the craft, comes unmatched perfection. Skill combined with a unique talent for bringing out the beauty, is why clients come back to Dawn time and time again. Book an appointment and discover what she can do for you.

Cosmetic/Medical Tattooing
Permanent Makeup, Microblade, Scalp & Camouflage
Dawn originally started her Permanent Makeup career in 2010, it took her 2 years of training to qualify as a Cosmetic/Medical Tattooist at 'Elite'level. Once fully qualified she was asked to become an Educator for the same training company and since then has also been teaching Permanent Makeup to beginners. Her passion for helping build confidence through Permanent Makeup is the driving force for Dawn, clients have travelled for miles over the years to benefit from her experience in Alopecia, Areola, and Camouflage.